Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Rich Persons Mind-Set

Ever wondered how average rich people actually think. Research shows that it isn't mainly due to money that the average rich person becomes motivated, rather it is the mindset that a rich person follows that allows them to achieve their goals.

Steve Siebold, author of "How Rich People Think," spent nearly three decades, interviewing millionaires around the world to find out what separates them from everyone else.- Cited From Here

Here are 10 simple examples to the mentality in which rich people think.

1. Average people think MONEY is the root of all evil. Rich people believe POVERTY is the root of all evil.

2. Average people think selfishness is a vice. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue.

3. Average people have a lottery mentality. Rich people have an action mentality.

4. Average people think the road to riches is paved with formal education. Rich people believe in acquiring specific knowledge.

5. Average people long for the good old days. Rich people dream of the future.

6. Average people see money through the eyes of emotion. Rich people think about money logically.

7. Average people earn money doing things they don't love. Rich people follow their passion.

8. Average people set low expectations so they're never disappointed. Rich people are up for the challenge.

9. Average people believe you have to DO something to get rich. Rich people believe you have to BE something to get rich.

10. Average people believe you need money to make money. Rich people use other people's money.      

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