Sunday, September 23, 2012

Online College Loans For You

Have you always ever had the need for a loan? Well in this article I will be speaking to you about the US Department of Education loans.

The US Department of Education focuses on all government aid for those who need financial help to go to college. This department is known for being extremely strict with its proceedings on loan application. You’ll have to be prepared and have all the information prior to applying for a loan. Otherwise you’ll be searching around for forms, and trying to collect all the documentation that you need over and over again. However it is worth it once you complete everything.

The Applications:
When you want to apply for a Federal Loan, you’ll have to fill a form. This form is known as Free Application for Federal Student Aid Form otherwise known as Fafsa. With these forms you’ll have to include a lot of personal and family information that’s necessary for the goverment to consider your application and to calculate the amount of money you’ll be able to request.

With this information supplied to them, that will be thoroughly checked, the department will come to know with how much money the applicant’s family will be able to contribute to his/her education and what the total amount of money he will need. The difference between these numbers will usually be the sum the applicant will be able to request to the department of education.

These loans do have specific requirements you’ll need to meet in order to get approved. If you fail to meet any of these requirements you’ll probably get declined. However, don’t despair as if you contact the department they’ll probably help you solve the problem. Following is a list of the most significant requirements:

1) US Citizenship

2) Valid Social Security Number

3) Feasible financial Need

4) Eligibility for Higher Education

5) No Defaults or Bankruptcy in credit report

6) No Convictions

7) High Grade Point Average

Different Options
When it comes to the US Department of Education Aid, there are at least three possibilities that can be taken into account: Federal Grants, Student Loans and Student Work Programs.

Grants are basically financial aid that doesn’t have to be paid back, the requirements for this type of loans focus on financial need and inability to obtain finance through other means. Usually, grants are processed on a first come – first served basis.

Student Loans have been explained in the above paragraphs and differ only with regular loans in the length of repayment and interest rate charged that tends to be significantly lower.

Student Work Programs means that the applicant will be working for certain government agencies in order to pay for his education. The job will only take a couple of hours or if a full time job, only part of the salary will be deducted towards the payment of college.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Why Pheonix University?

Well if you are sitting here reading this article you are probably wondering why would phoenix university be a great choice to attend. Not only is it ranked in one of the top 10 largest universities but it also allows you to take a variety of online college courses. Phoenix university main focus isn't just to take incoming freshman but allow for a higher education for those who have already graduated and are looking to advance with their degree and education.

Firstly, Phoenix decided to focus on employed students over 22 years of age. Phoenix founder John Sperling discovered that adult students were given short opportunity choices at many public universities.  Which is why he provided accessible formats beginning in the 1970’s that allowed students to study part-time, completing five or ten courses a year through intensive eight-week sessions. Younger students are now admitted.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Walden University Be Inspired

Have you always desired for an associated or a masters' degree, but never got the chance to visit the doorsteps of the college to get even a college degree? If such is the case, stop worrying; the solution is not far at all from you. Yes, I'm talking about getting an online degree just by sitting at home with complete ease.
Now a days technology in general is rapidly growing. The need for the traditional college classrooms are just not necessary anymore. You can easily earn a degree just by sitting and home right in front of your computer. There are multiple colleges that offer these kinds of opportunities.

Sometimes we can just be to busy with work and family to try and earn a degree. We just don't have the convenience of taking the time out and spending it inside of a classroom. Which is why there are multiple online colleges, a great one would be for example Walden University. Walden is a great online college mainly because it offers many different degree programs and is just so convenience. Definitely a reliable way of getting a degree if time is just not on your side. Walden university consists of these colleges:

  • Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership
  • College of Management and Technology
  • College of Health Sciences
  • College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • College of Undergraduate Studies

Online College Courses Software Testing

There is no doubt that the IT field is constantly growing. There are just so many topics to cover that necessarily one degree cannot cover the whole area. Which is why sometimes you may end up having to take some extra courses after your bachelors degree. What better way to take these classes other than taking them right at home. Online Classrooms are growing without a doubt. It is defiantly for out convenience especially if we are bombarded with work and other duties.

Software testing is something that is constantly growing in the IT field. However lets not completely negate all the other areas in the IT field. Software testing is something that will always be needed. Well, why is this the case? There's so many vital and important pieces of software out there which have bugs that need to be known or something fatal can go wrong and happen, resulting in damage to the business.

One great service that replicates Online Colleges would be the ILX group. The course ware they provide is very high quality and allows you to learn easily, as if you were in an online college classroom. They even offer a simple little preview/demonstration on how it works.

Click Here To Visit

Another great course for learning software testing is wiz-IQ. This service is really great because it completely simplifies everything. Online College learning at its simplest and finest.

Click Here To Visit

Monday, September 10, 2012

Economics QCC College Course Notes (PDF)

Macroeconomics Free College Course Notes:

From Queens borough Community College:

Macroeconomics is simply the study of economics as a whole. Not pertaining to any specific nation or country but using the basics of economics how it ties into the whole world.

These slides/notes are pretty much a brief overview and simplified. This is extremely great for anyone that doesn't not want to read a whole book on macroeconomics and whats to cover the course in a simple and quick fashion.


Microeconomics Free College Course Notes:

From Queens borough Community College:

Microeconomics is simply the study of economics in specific. Covering the primitive form and basics. Here are the notes for this course:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Programming Paradigm Online College Course

Here is an absolutely free college online course. This is great for people who already have some previous programming experience.This is a great course mainly because it will go ind depth in programming and really give you a well understand of what programming really is. This course goes through a whole variety of programming languages. Sometimes we think that the more programming languages we know the better. However this may not be the case entirely, sometimes understanding the paradigms or programming is what is more important rather then just the syntax alone.

After teaching computer science for over a decade. Once you learn one programming language really well, the rest will just naturally be easy. However taking that first step and actually learning and digging deep into that one programming language is the most difficult step. Once you can overcome this then I can guarantee the rest will be 'cake'.

This course basically outlines and will give you an understanding of C, C++, and Python. All three are amazing programming languages. Especially python which is definitely the future of programming. Definitely a very good course to check out.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Top Online Colleges

Now a days time is something that is valuable to all of us. Heck, some of us even wish there was 25 hours in a day just to satisfy our schedule. But that isn't the case. Especially for a person who has a full time job and is trying to get a degree as well. Going to class just doesn't gently fit in with their schedule. Which is why in the United States there is something called Online Colleges. People are becoming doctors, lawyers engineers and many other professions just by sitting at home. 

Some online colleges and universities work hand in hand and provide - field training to their candidates to increase practical experience in that particular field. Thus Helping you to gain more knowledge about your course. An online course such as this, one that forces you in the field right away is absolutely brilliant because you'll begin to meet new people with whom you will be working with after getting your online education.

Before enrolling any online college, it is wise to do some deep research about the college, their authenticity, their success story, what their class contain, professor ratings, quality of course material. You should also try and speak to some previous online students and find out first hand what their experience has been. Also, more importantly, find out if the students that completed their degree are now successfully employed in the field they studied.

Here is a list of some online colleges which you'll easily be able to find with a simple Google search:


1. Ash-worth College

2. Phoenix University

3. Kaplan University

4. Walden University

5. Concord Law School

6. Pierce University

7. Strayer University Online

8. Capella University

9. Aiu Online


An education online allows you to have your own freedom, keep your current job, pay the bills and at the same time get an advanced education. So if this article has sparked something you've always had in the back of your mind, what are you waiting for, get an online college education now!

Online College Courses (Programming)

Have you always wanted to learn to program but are sick and tired of just sitting at home reading books. Its a lot nicer when you actually have someone teaching you the material and puts a lot less stress on your shoulders. Or sometimes you may not have the money to even afford the tuition for college at that particular moment. We all know how expensive college tuition can be. So I came up with a simple solution. A step by step guide so that you can learn and understand at least the basics of software engineering. Or you can simply get a taste of what software engineering really is. The links below is basically an outline of courses that pertain to software engineering. You can either choose to watch the courses and take the practice tests/exams in sequential order, or you can just visit whichever course you would like to study and watch.

This is basically a free gentle and light introduction to programming and computer science in python. The great thing about this is that its completely free and there are practice problems as well as exams and solutions you can take a look at. Defiantly worth looking into for people who want to understand what computer science is really all about.

Yet again MIT has allowed you and I an opportunity to learn java online easily and free. This course is amazing because all the course documents are available for use. I would recommend this course for anyone who wants to start programming because this course does not require you to have a background in computer science. The teacher is very well at explaining concepts as well. Defiantly worth checking out.

Another great course for learning C++. However I wouldn't recommend this to a complete beginner who wants to learn programming because this course does require some pre-requisite of some programming experience or language. This course would be great for anyone who has completed the java online course and wants to head into C++. Definatly