Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Check If A Program Is Running [C++]

This is a self explanatory source code on how to properly utilize and use async sockets.

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Friday, October 26, 2012

VB.Net 4Chan Image Downloader

This source code is pretty much self explanatory. Click the button below to take a look.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Inflation In College

Whats unbelievable is that the tuition for college is continuously rising. The cost has stacked up against other major costs and spending's that Americans have to deal with. Inflation can never be a good thing. If this continues at a rate where 7% of education is constantly rising then according to these statistics the price of education would double within the next fourteen years. Here is a graphical representation of what is going on.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Money and Banking Online Course Review

Hey guys, coming right back at you with very easy and simple online money and banking course notes. This is an online course ware to help you understand finance. This course is from Queens borough Community College. Note that these course notes works quite well especially if you are alittle bit more experienced with marketing. 

Money was developed as a way of exchange to facilitate trade. Here you can learn about five stages in the evolution of money. Beginning with barter, trace the rise of commodities as money, the invention of coins, paper money backed by precious metals, which has value by agreement alone.